Moremovers. Theme: A direct battery is fired; subsequently the rear piece sacrifices itself by moving along the battery line. The thematic battery (batteries), which may be white or black, may be either present in the diagram or created during the play. (Judge: Jörg Kuhlmann)

1.Sh4? (2.Sxg6#) but 1…Be4#! (unique defense: Berlin theme-1)

1.d5+? (a direct battery is fired) 1…e5 2.Bxe5+ dxe5 (subsequently the rear piece sacrifices itself moving along the battery line) 3.Sh4 Be4+ (Berlin mate downgraded) 4.Ka1 but 4…Bd4+! and Black has to mate in his next move (unique defense: Berlin theme-2)

Solution: 1.Rxd2! (2.Rc2 …3.Rc8 etc) 1…Bxd2 (Roman decoy) 2.d5+ e5 3.Bxe5 dxe5 4.Sh4 Be4+ (Berlin mate downgraded) 5.Ka1 Bc3+ (Berlin mate avoided) 6.Sxc3 any 7.Sxg6#

1…Bxg2 2.Rxg2 and mate in 3 moves.
1.d5 e5 2.Rxd2? but 2…g5!